If you are expecting (whether it's your 1st or 4th baby) you will want to prepare for this monumental occasion in the best way possible and I've got just the thing for you! Join me for a free online introduction to share more about the benefits of hypnobirthing & how to book onto my next course.
Time & Location
02 Mar 2022, 19:30 – 20:15 GMT
Online Introduction to Hypnobirthing
About the event
Have you heard about hypnobirthing?
Think you'll probably end up reading a bit about it?
Maybe purchase a digital pack?
Why not consider an in-person group hypnobirthing course, where you & your birth partner can enjoy a full antenatal education and meet other expecting couples who are also going through similar to you.
I'm offering my time to introduce you to:
* What hypnobirthing is really all about
* How it can help you & your birth partner feel prepared from 20 weeks onwards
*The physiology of birth
*Birth hormones - the how/ why & what
* The importance of the connection between mind & body
* Wise birth tools & techniques
*How your birth partner can support you throughout your pregnancy/ birth & beyond
Join me for an online zoom where I'll talk you through all of the above, show you what you can get when you join an in-person group course with me at one of my various locations in Exeter/ Exmouth & Torquay.
* A cheeky discount will be offered at the end of the zoom towards my group & private courses.
REGISTER YOUR INTEREST NOW to attend my next evening session.
You will then receive an email with further details and a zoom link for Wednesday 2nd March at 7:30pm for you & your birth partner.
Visit www.thewisehippo.com for more information about The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme.