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Perinatal Pod Videos
Perinatal Pod Videos

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Session 1 - Postnatal Pod hosted by Doula Lynne
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Session 2 is with Laura Morgan Knight
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Session 3 is with Holistic Sleep Specialist Nikkie Huddart
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Session 4 with Mini First Aid Exeter & South Devon Expert, Liz Watt
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Session 5 with Dietitian Ruth Harvey of Pod & Pea Nutrition
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Session 6 with Lauren Elliott Vincent ~ Founder of Elliott Counselling Exeter
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Join Us
Throughout the Postnatal Pod course, mums get to know each other as a group and individually over a period of time. They support, empathise and encourage because they are all going through similar things.
Having a new baby can be tough and this is when you need your village around you.
Equally, it is just as important and special to celebrate and cheer on the triumphs.
And with new found friendships developed and fantastic information each week from the experts who join us - this is time for you, to keep moving confidently forward in your journey of motherhood.
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